
Why Silly Markup ?

Well , With Silly Markup you can save notes in Markdown Format on Cloud and then access it anywhere, obviously you should have internet connection. You can also export it in other formats like HTML or Markdown itself.

How We Work ?

We Autosave once you stop typing for 2 seconds or you can press ctrl +s to save anytime. Every New Markup you create, creates an empty Main Markup, then you edit that Markup by inserting the text you want to save (we Autosave it).
All the changes will be stored in Draft Markup, Once you are ready to move it to the Main Markup press on Sync Button which is present on Profile > Show Draft Markup page.
Again You Edit Some of your Markup, and the changes will be on Draft. Sync it to move it to the Main Markup.

Why Save in Markdown Format ?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is commonly used for formatting plain text documents. It provides a way to add basic formatting such as headings, bold and italic text, lists, and links to plain text documents, without the need for complex word processing software. There are several benefits to using Markdown over plain text:

If you are not aware of markdown, then first Learn More About Markdown

  • Readability: Markdown uses simple, easy-to-read symbols to indicate formatting, making it easy to read and write.
  • Portability: Markdown documents can be easily converted to other formats such as HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word, making it easy to share and view on different platforms.
  • Compatibility: Markdown is supported by a wide range of text editors, word processors, and note-taking apps, making it easy to work with regardless of the software or hardware you are using.
  • Simplicity: Markdown is designed to be simple and easy to learn, so you do not need to be an expert to use it.
  • Organization : When you are saving notes, making list or any kind of document where it needs to be organized, markdown gives you a way to format it in more readable way, by separating headers, adding bullet points, numbered list and so on,
  • Web Compatibility : markdown can be easily used on website as well, with help of markdown to HTML converters, it can be converted to web format which can be read by browser.

All of these benefits make Markdown a great choice for saving notes and other types of plain text content.

Some Tips For Silly Markup

  • If you went offline while editing do not close the window. Just reconnect and press ctrl + s to save the changes.
  • You can insert image through image url, syntax given below :
    ![Alternate Text](imageUrl)
  • You can create note just by visiting
  • For multi Line spacing use \ followed by another \ in new line.
    Below is Multi Line spacing
    This is after 4 line space
  • You can Paste links in two ways.
    1. [Text To View](https://link)
    2. Or Just paste the link

How To Reach Developer

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